Green Pole

Jean Monnet Module 

"The European Green Deal in the EU and Beyond: Greening Armenian Policy and Legislation in Line with European Standards for a Sustainable and Resilient Society"

The Jean Monnet Module “The European Green Deal in the EU and Beyond: Greening Armenian Policy and Legislation in Line with European Standards for a Sustainable and Resilient Society” (2024-2027) is a project co-funded by the European Union and implemented by Eurasia International University (Yerevan, Armenia).
The Module’s planned activities include: Objective 1:
  • Teaching a new course, “The EU Green Deal in Europe and Beyond”, to advanced students of Law and related disciplines. The course will be open for external enrolment.
  • Organizing the GreenPoLe Summer Academy for students of Social and Natural Sciences, as well as practitioners from public and private sectors;
  • Organizing the GreenPoLe Summer School on the external dimension of EGD for international and local students.
Objective 2:
  • Conducting training sessions for governmental agencies on Strategic Environmental Management and EGD-related EU acquis;
  • Hosting a GreenPoLe Roundtable to discuss the progress and challenges in “greening” Armenian policies and legislation from interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives.
Objective 3:
  • Conducting research on external implications of EGD in the European Neighbourhood with a specific focus on the case of Armenia.
  • Disseminating the results of the projects at international conferences and other academic events, as well as integrating them into teaching.
Objective 4:
  • Organizing workshops on the topics of EGD targeting CSOs and SMEs, as well as a masterclass targeting schoolteachers.
Academic coordinator: Dr. Anna Khvorostiankina, Head of EIU Department of Law, Political Science and International Relations

The Module aims to:

  • Enrich university curricula with innovative courses addressing EU policies under the “umbrella” of the EGD and analysing them through the prism of local contexts;
  • Further develop dialogue between academia and practice to facilitate the “greening” of Armenian policies and legislation in line with EU acquis and European best practices;
  • Enhance research on the EU as a global sustainability and resilience-building actor;
  • Disseminate knowledge about the EU’s Green Deal and its relevance in the local contexts.

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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