The first and largest event of the “Erasmus+ Information Days 2023” took place
On November 17, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia successfully implemented the first and largest meeting of the “Erasmus+ Information Days 2023” event series at the Armenian State Pedagogical University.
The event was attended by representatives from the host university, EU delegation to Armenia, higher education institutions, VET institutions, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, business sector and other stakeholder organizations.
The purpose of the event was to disseminate valuable information about the Erasmus+ Programme, its various opportunities for academic and research collaboration between Armenia and the European Union, to share the experience of successful projects funded by the Programme, and to publish the news of the Erasmus+ Call 2024 to be announced very soon.
The event launched with the welcome speech of Lana Karlova, the coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, after which the Rector of the Armenian State Pedagogical University Srbuhi Gevorgyan and the Deputy Head of Cooperation Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia Silja Kasmann welcomed the participants.
Afterwards, Lana Karlova, presented to the participants the Selection results of the Erasmus+ 2023 Call, according to which 8 “Capacity building in higher education (CBHE)” projects, 4 “Capacity building for VET (CBVET)” projects, and 1 “Virtual exchanges in higher education and youth” project with the participation of Armenian universities received Erasmus+ funding.
One of the above-mentioned projects, “Transforming Teacher Education for Green and Digital Transition in Armenia and Moldova” (T4GREEN), was presented by Marianna Harutyunyan, Vice-Rector of Personnel and International Cooperation of the Armenian State Pedagogical University. This project is implemented in the frames of the “Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)” action and is coordinated by the Armenian State Pedagogical University itself.
Then Kristine Gevorgyan, the coordinator of the GC Caucasus Master Programme of Yerevan State University, shared her experience and presented the “Developing Joint Master’s Degree Programme in European Studies: Law, Governance and Communication” (DEGES) implemented within the framework of the “Erasmus Mundus Projects” action. This project is the first and still the only project implemented within the framework of the “Erasmus Mundus Projects” action in Armenia.
This project was followed by another “Jean Monnet Chair” project funded within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions, “EU Legal Studies and Legal Europeanization” (EuroLaw), which was presented by Anna Khvorostiankina, the author of the project and the Dean of the Law Department of the Eurasia International University.

“Climate University for Virtual Exchanges” (CLUVEX), the only project with Armenian participation and financed within the framework of the Erasmus+ “Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth” action, was presented by Arsen Aproyan, head of the Grant coordination department of Yerevan State University.
All performances were followed by question and answer sessions between the speakers and the audience.
The second part of the event was dedicated to Erasmus+ Programme overarching priorities 2021-2027 which are very important and necessary to take into account when developing any project.
And so Arevik Ohanyan, strategic project manager of Eurasia International University, spoke about the “Digital Transformation” priority and also presented the “digitalisation” section’s results of the recent “Assessment of the Need for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” research conducted by the Armenian Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs).
The “Environment and fight against climate change” was presented by Garegin Hambardzumyan, head of the International Relations Department of the Armenian National Agrarian University, and the “Inclusion and Diversity” priority was presented by Ruzanna Minasyan, the Head of the Academic Programme Development Division, State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia.
Lana Karlova wrapped up the event by delivering a presentation named “Preparation for the upcoming Erasmus+ Call”. During her talk, she offered valuable advice on applying for the Call and provided helpful resources.
We remind you that there are only a few days remaining before the Call is announced. The National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia intends to implement several information sessions and seminars focusing on specific actions in the coming days. Below are the details of the upcoming events:
- November 27, “Project development and budgeting”, at the National Agrarian University of Armenia
- November 29, “How to develop Erasmus Mundus projects”, at Yerevan State University
- December 15, “How to develop Jean Monet projects”, at Eurasia International University
Besides these seminars and workshops, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia is organizing various other meetings focused on fostering connections with international partners and discussing project ideas.