Eurasia International University has been established in 1996. Since its founding, it has placed a strong emphasis on providing high-quality education that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world.
Years of history and education
From 1997 to 2005, Eurasia International University (EIU) focused on laying the groundwork and establishing its presence in higher education in Armenia. During this period, it obtained its first licenses and achieved its initial state accreditation in 2002.
The second developmental stage, spanning from 2005 to 2015, witnessed EIU’s alignment with the European Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (ECTS) and the principles of the Bologna Action Plan. This period also saw the university securing institutional accreditation based on RA Government standards and beginning its journey towards internationalization, establishing exchange programs and launching third-level (PhD) programs.
Since 2013, EIU has offered PhD programs in various disciplines, further solidifying its academic offerings. Following the 2015 reaccreditation based on the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), the university entered its third developmental stage, focusing on reform initiatives to address emerging challenges. This period marked significant progress in research infrastructure development, management system clarification, and acceleration of internationalization efforts.
In 2018, EIU achieved institutional accreditation for four years, distinguishing itself as one of the few accredited private universities in Armenia. Actively engaging with partner universities in the European Union (EU), EIU ensures the comparability of educational programs and promotes staff and student mobility, exemplified by its success in Erasmus+ projects.
Recognized as a dynamic and reputable educational institution in Armenia, EIU attracts a substantial cohort of international students drawn to its commitment to quality and innovation. Positioned as a pioneer in reforms, EIU coordinated the Erasmus+ ARMDOCT national project and co-coordinated the Erasmus+ T-GREEN project. Additionally, EIU boasts a unique Jean Monnet Chair in the RA university system and offers double degree programs with universities in Italy, Spain, and Poland.
Ensuring education accessibility for students with special needs or disabilities is a strategic priority at Eurasia International University. The university collaborates closely with all stakeholders to uphold students’ rights to higher education. Facilities and support include:
• Accessible bathrooms
• Desks of appropriate height
• Classrooms selected for optimal movement and equipped with suitable amenities (e.g., door width, free movement space, specialized equipment for students with visual or hearing impairments)
• Assigned supervisor or volunteer student support for those in need
• Availability of magnification devices
• All learning materials are accessible through a virtual classroom, eliminating the need for manual note-taking
• Assistance from dedicated librarians in developing virtual audience access and system skills.”
Our History in Pictures

Komitas 49/3, the 1st location of Yerevan’s “Mkhitar Gosh” University.

We expanded to our second location at Nalbandian 128.

Our growth led us to establish our third campus at Charents 1.


Our journey culminated at Azatutun on 24/2. The former Relais factory site is now the modern EIU campus.