EIU shares experience with mid-level educational institutions
The directors of mid-level educational institutions participated in the workshop entitled “Introduction of Effective Strategic Planning and Evaluation Systems (the Case of Eurasia International University).” The meeting was chaired by Arevik Ohanyan, Director of the EIU Research Incubator. In her speech, Arevik Ohanyan highlighted the importance of visiting educational institutions at the national and international level, due to which, the opportunity of sharing experience was provided, and considered as the best way to transfer the knowledge gained from the positive experience of the university.

The speaker presented approaches and tools for the effective strategic management used at Eurasia International University in detail. “To effectively manage the strategy, a management system, which would allow carrying out monitoring of strategic initiatives, collecting necessary information, coordinating and analyzing, was needed” -Arevik Ohanian noted in her report. She highlighted the main points of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC): financial management, stakeholder management, regulation of internal processes, teaching, growth, and development, and thoroughly spoke about the above-stated.
The meeting was concluded with an informal discussion.