EIU Joined Panarmenian Project “Come, Dance Qochari”

On May 25, Armenians from all over the world united once again to dance Qochari.

Eurasia International University joined the “Ari Pari Qochari” flash mob which is aimed at uniting all Armenians abroad. Starting from “Yeraz” park, EIU students danced the traditional Armenian dance and then joined a huge number of other Armenians in the Republic Square; “Karno Kochari” was chosen as a main dance for participance.
“Come, Dance Qochari” panarmenian project launched on May 26, 2018. It was dedicated to the 100th of the First Republic of Armenia and to the 2800th anniversary of Erebuni-Yerevan. The authors of the project decided to make it continuous; the program is dedicated to 150th anniversary of Komitas and Hovhannes Tumanian, legends of Armenian culture.