May 17 2019
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Seminar on “Creative Thinking” At Yerevan State Vocational School of Ornamental Art

On May 17, Eurasia International University organized a regular seminar-training at the at Yerevan State Vocational 60717155 3018921168133053 1168175287117021184 nSchool of Ornamental Art, aiming at raising the public responsibility of the 60468312 3018921174799719 5295808655810101248 nUniversity and promoting the professional development of students.

The seminar was conducted by Mary Shahbazyan, responsible of EIU Career Development and Employer Relations Centre and Armine Manasyan, Public Relations and Advertising Specialist.

Interactive games were organized in parallel with theoretical material. A number of issues were raised by the audience, and an active discussion took place.

Eurasia International University expresses gratitude to the college for the warm hospitality and active cooperation.