May 30 2019

Scientific-Practical Seminar on “Alimony Obligations”

IMG 1117The term alimony comes from the Latin word alimōnia (“nourishment, sustenance”).IMG 1125 Alimony obligation, in addition to its immediate purpose, is also of educational importance. It enhances the sense of responsibility towards the family and especially the children, thereby contributing to the solution of the fundamental problem of family law.

Today, on May 30, the Law Department of Eurasia International University organized a meeting dedicated to the 2discussion of alimony obligations which was led by Amalia Khalatyan, member of RA Chamber of Advocates, lawyer. During the seminar, the speaker answered the students’ questions in detail, explaining the legal norms regulating the field in more detail through discussion of practical cases.

At the end of the meeting Amalia Khalatyan suggested the participants to solve a problem related to divorce and the application of alimony demand.