June 30 2022

“Russia-Ukraine: War, Statecraft, and Shifting Geopolitics in Eurasia.” Summer Institute

EIU announces a two-day Summer Institute, titled “Russia-Ukraine: War, Statecraft, and Shifting Geopolitics in Eurasia.” The Summer Institute is co-sponsored by the NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues and Jean Monnet Module.

The Summer Institute will include plenary roundtable panels and interactive workshops led by internationally acclaimed scholars and practitioners from Armenia and the US.

The first day of the Institute includes two plenary roundtables: “Geopolitical Turbulence and the “South Caucasus”, and “The War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Eurasian Security”.

Speakers include Nerses Kopalyan, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Anna Ohanyan, Stonehill College and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Alexander Cooley, Columbia University; Mark Katz, George Mason University; Brian Taylor, Syracuse University.

The second day of the Institute will focus on the role of international law at such times of geopolitical uncertainty.

The plenary roundtable panels are “International Law and Human Rights in an Age of Great Power Rivalry” and “Judicial Transitions and the EU Role in Domestic Reforms in Armenia”. Speakers include Dr. Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Representative of the Republic of Armenia at the European Court of Human Rights, Sossi Tatikyan, Independent expert on International Relations and Security ; Anna Khvorostiankina, EIU; Anna Ohanyan, Stonehill College; Kirill Bumin, Stonehill College; Tatevik Khachatryan, Open Society Institute; Nerses Kopalyan, University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Deadline for registration to attend the conference is July 6th.

Online registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZcuceqqqzsuE9YJrH51mhv7cejAk…

In-person registration: https://forms.office.com/r/MNWa8cahSG

Friday, July 8, 13:00 – 18:30

Saturday, July 9, 13:00 – 18:00

EIU, Hall 425