‘Micro-credentials for Higher Education systems of Georgia and Armenia: South Caucasus lighthouse project (Micro-GEAR)’ is a project co-founded by the European Union ERASMUS+ Programme. Its kick-off meeting was held at the Georgian Technical University on January 17-18 and was attended by the project partners and main stakeholders. Representatives from various organizations, including Ministries of Education, educational institutions, and international partners, played an important role in the meeting.
Micro-GEAR is a three year project that will support structural reforms in the higher education sector of the South Caucasus region, primarily focusing on Georgia and Armenia, with the aim of introducing and facilitating the broad proliferation of micro-credentials as a tool for improving relevance, quality and flexibility of higher education. The project aligns with the European Union Council’s Recommendation on micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. It aims to update National Qualifications Frameworks in the two countries, establish consensus on micro-credentialing principles, promote educational activities for micro-credentials, and facilitate mutual recognition. In a collaborative effort the project has brought together 16 institutions from five countries namely Armenia, Georgia, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Micro-GEAR is coordinated by the Georgian Technical University.
During two intensive days of meetings, the Micro-GEAR partners worked together to review the project strategic plan and the lines of action, defined priorities and conducted detailed planning for future actions. The partners also shared information about the profile of their organization and role in the project. Partners agreed in the discussions that in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, staying abreast of innovations and adapting to the changing needs of learners is crucial.
Project management discussed responsibilities, resources, online platforms, and quality evaluation. The meeting set the stage for collaborative efforts to implement micro-credentials in higher education systems of Georgia and Armenia. Partners presented the core aspects of the Micro-GEAR project, emphasizing its potential impact on the higher education systems of both countries. The meeting also featured partner presentations, offering a glimpse into the diverse roles that the organizations will play in the project. A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to understand the background, status quo, and educational needs of both Georgia and Armenia.
The Micro-GEAR project kick-off meeting showed a group effort to improve higher education in the South Caucasus region. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the project aims to fill gaps, share knowledge, and push forward the use of micro-credentials, helping advance education in Georgia and Armenia. As the project progresses, its influence is expected to go beyond the meeting, leaving a lasting impact on education in these countries.