June 08 2023

Erasmus+ ICM International Staff Week

The Administrative and Academic Staff from the EIU Law Department and International Relations Centre have attended the professional International Staff Week organized by the Università degli Studi della Tuscia (@universitadeglistudidellatuscia) within the Erasmus+ ICM Staff Mobility.

During International Staff Week, Dr. Anna Khvorostiankina delivered the Teaching Mobility on the subject of “EU External Relations Law and the Processes of
Europeanization of legal systems beyond the EU’s borders” to UNITUS students within the Erasmus+ ICM program and Jean Monnet Module (@EUSecJuris).

As part of the EIU International Relations Centre agenda led by Mr. Parsa McJacob, the expansion of the inter-institutional cooperation within the Erasmus Programme and beyond between Eurasia International University and the Università degli Studi della Tuscia was successfully conducted during the International Staff Week.

The existence of active Double Degree study programs, Erasmus+ICM KA171, and Jean Monnet activities are proof of profoundly strong academic collaboration between EIU and UNITUS.


