Research Scholarships
There are many opportunities to receive financial support for education at Eurasia International University. Accessible education is the beginning of real success for our students.
In the academic environment of Eurasia International University, science acts as a catalyst for innovation, research, and problem-solving. Through this commitment, the University actively fosters a culture of cooperation and interdisciplinarity within the scientific community. It conducts both applied and theoretical research, with a focus on advancing societal progress, enhancing humanity, and fostering the growth of the institution itself.

"Ohanyan" scholarship
The Ohanyan Scholarship is awarded to the best undergraduate students who have the highest average quality score (GPA of 3.5). This scholarship amounts to 10-100% of the student’s tuition fees for one semester.

"Eurasia" scholarship
The Eurasia Scholarship is awarded to Master’s students, encouraging research work. This scholarship provides financial support ranging from 10% to 50% of the tuition fees.

"Research" scholarship
The “Research” scholarship is offered to EIU graduates, staff, and faculty members who do not hold a PhD degree but aspire to pursue further studies in postgraduate programs.

University grants
The Scientific Council of EIU has selected the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda as a guiding framework. Within this framework, the council promotes intra-university grants to support initiatives aligned with these goals.
Encouraging scientific and research activities of academic staff
To foster scientific and research endeavours among academic staff, the university initiated measures in 2021 by instituting award limits.
Per the directive of the rector, these measures aim to incentivize the publication of articles by EIU lecturers in scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus international scientometric databases.
Additionally, recognition is extended to publications in journals endorsed by the Higher Qualification Committee.
Research trainings of lecturers
The research training provided to lecturers is designed to enhance their research capabilities primarily through mentoring and courses.
This training significantly augments lecturers’ research endeavours, fostering the creation of articles, monographs, reports, analyses, and other scholarly materials.
Moreover, the lecturer’s research training plays a pivotal role in the institutional advancement of EIU.
The Financial Aid Process
01. Apply for Aid
After each semester, the Research Center announces the commencement of applications for specific programs. Students or research professors are required to submit their applications either in written form or online, adhering to the designated deadlines.
02. Review
The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, following applicable regulations and with the endorsement of the Methodological Council, presents proposals for scholarship grants to the Scientific Council of EIU.
03. Final Decision
The Scientific Council determines the allocation of scholarship amounts based on majors and the number of awarded students, in addition to deciding the number of professors involved. Once finalized, the council approves this list.