If you would like to spend a term of your academic studies at an EIU partner European university, please follow the link and fill in your personal information:
While nominating the EIU students for the exchange program for the 2017-2018 academic year, the EIU committee will be choosing students from the filled information pool.
Please keep in mind that registration in the information database is not enough for a successful selection. While choosing nominees for the exchange programs we consider the following criteria:
- Academic standing of the student
- Language proficiency
- Participation in social events, particularly voluntary work at various EIU center, projects and initiatives (e.g. Quality assurance center, Student council, International relations and research center, Student rights defender, Career development and alumni center, library and other establishments)
- In case of a double nomination (the student participated to the exchange program in the past and has applied again for another academic degree), the committee also reviews whether the student has organized any experience sharing activities after his/her participation in the past exchange program.
The priority is given to the students who have not participated to exchange programs before. Double nomination student is selected in exceptional cases (for instance, there are no other students applying for the given discipline). Double nominees mat be selected in other disciplines than the previous discipline they have applied to, but still, the privilege is given to the students who have not participated in exchange programs before.