On December 26, within the framework of the Erasmus+ MicroGear project, a meeting of local partners was held at the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) to discuss the roadmap for developing and implementing micro-credentials in Armenia.
During the meeting, participants reviewed the stages of the roadmap and the current state of micro-credentials in Armenia’s higher education system. Discussions focused on the potential of micro-credentials to promote lifelong learning, meet labour market demands, and align with international and European standards.
Local partners decided to refine the roadmap to ensure that it fully corresponds to Armenia’s educational priorities and challenges. It was agreed that the finalized roadmap will be submitted to the Higher Education and Science Committee for further discussion.
The Micro-GEAR (Micro-Credentials for Higher Education Systems in Armenia and Georgia) is a three-year (2024-2027) Erasmus+ program aimed at supporting the introduction and enhancement of a micro-credentials system in Armenia and Georgia. The program seeks to improve higher education, increase flexibility, and expand lifelong learning opportunities. Within the framework of the project, the legislation regulating the micro-credentials sector and the National Qualifications Framework in Armenia and Georgia will be reviewed, and mechanisms for ensuring the quality of these educational programs will be defined to facilitate their mutual recognition.
Participating universities will develop and pilot micro-credential programs with the support of partners.
The project beneficiaries include the Ministries of Education of Armenia and Georgia, national accreditation and academic recognition centers, higher education institutions (Yerevan State University, Eurasia International University, Georgian Technical University, and the University of Georgia), and research organizations. On the European side, the consortium includes three higher education institutions (from Germany, Spain, and Italy), the Italian ENIC-NARIC center, and a quality assurance expert organization.