January 31 2024
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The second day of the KPI4HE project’s kick-off at YSU

On the second day of the KPI4HE project’s kick-off at YSU, the focus was on presenting the project’s goals, outcomes, and action plan for the upcoming year. Additionally, the financial management rules of the project were outlined.

Following these presentations, work proceeded in six distinct working groups. These groups delved into discussions on establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) crucial for university management, strategic planning, organization of the educational process, quality control, internationalization, as well as science and digitization.

The project’s expected impact is foreseen on:

Institutional level: Teaching and administrative staff with increased and reinforced competencies on IR for digitalization and green transition, functional IRPS and set of KPIs for collection, analysis and utilization of relevant institutional data in support of daily management and strategic planning, monitoring and control, quality evaluation and decision making for the sake of university efficient and green functioning and development.

National level: Implementation of National framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for higher education (NF-KPI), digital platform supporting NF-KPI and revised State Institutional Accreditation Standards in line with NF-KP as tools for effective steering of higher education system towards inclusive, digital and green-oriented higher education in Armenia.

European level: sparked experience sharing, networking and promotion of long-term cooperation between the involved partners leading to convergence in line with EU developments and standards and towards fostering the integration of the HEIs from Armenia into the EHEA.