Localization of Bologna Process standards and principles at Eurasia International University
Eurasia International University reacted to the RA integration to European Higher Education Area by granting Bachelor’s degree qualification to graduates still in 2003. Later in 2003 the second degree, i.e. Master’s degree was introduced for all the university specialties. Thus, the university switched to a two-phase system providing one of the main functions of Bologna Process.
Based on the European ECTS credit system and the RA government decree of 2005, EIU comprehensively undertook implementation of credit system within the 2006-2007 academic year. The implementation procedures were guided by the sample model designed by the RA Ministry of Education and Science (before that, the university had implemented separate components of the system as an exemplar components)
The continuous process of educational reforms implied by Bologna Process has yielded the following main results in the university.
- The whole student academic workload has been reconsidered and represented considering ECTS credits (classroom, extracurricular and individual work), educational plans have been reviewed, new educational plans based on credits and elective courses have been created. Accordingly, course outlines have been structurally and methodologically altered (course outlines with completely new standards have been implemented).
- Academic, organizational and administrative procedures of the university as well as the whole executive system has been modified.
- Student assessment and corresponding academic appraisal system, as well as students’ record form have been changed. A new type of record book has been created and implemented. In addition, all the new types of forms for effective management of educational procedures have been developed (Each year the university publishes “A guidebook for credit system in education”).
- New departments have been created in university structure, particularly those of academic development, quality assurance, research, career centers, as well as a center directed to non-formal education.
With the aim of democratization, as assumed by Bologna process, the following criteria have been fundamental within the quality assurance system and directed at increasing the involvement of academic beneficiaries:
- participatory model of decision making, providing opportunity for feedback for stakeholders
- student-centered approach which is reflected not only in the actual implementation of the student-centered instructional methods but also is the basis for the activities of every sector of the institution.
In order to provide equivalence for structural and contextual reforms taking place in the university the university holds on-going training for faculty and administrative staff (visits to foreign universities, regular involvement of international educational experts and so on).
In 2015 the university was reaccredited by the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) with the decision approved by the RA Ministry of Education and Science. The accreditation was carried out according to the national and European Standards and Guidelines and it evidence the compliance of the university with those set standards.