Interdisciplinary programs

Educating Individuals with an INDIVIDUAL learning PATH and Curriculum

As an EIU student you have number of opportunities to differentiate yourself by building a unique curriculum and tying your studies to your interests. We ensure this by three major programs and opportunities:

  1. Internal Dual Degree program: the BA student has an option to study for two separate degrees (one part-time and another one in full-time formats)
  2. Combination of Major degree with that of Minor/s: without additional tuition fees the student has an option to receive up to two Minor Degrees in case if has higher than 3.0 GPA.
  3. The university has adopted a full credit recognition policy: on the bases of preliminary learning agreement with the department, the student may have recognized the credits earned beyond the university educational prgrammes. EIU accepts credits earned at partner international universities, as well as universities located in Armenia with an Institutional accreditation. In case of prior agreement, the EIU may also recognize the credits earned through MOOCs.

Internal Dual Degree

Internal Dual Degree

The EIU student has an option to receive a dual degree increasing the employability prospects and competitive advantages. Getting a dual degree usually means one thing: you’re studying for two degrees at the same time and at the end of your studies receive two separate Diplomas. Fortunately, you can often use many of the same classes toward both majors. You graduate with two degrees and will have a wealth of information about two fields. The EIU Internal Dual Degree Program provide an opportunity to explore your interests and prepare for the future in two distinct learning environments.

  • The student will be enrolled in one of the degrees as a full-time student and as a part time student in the second one.
  • there are number of shared credits, which the student may use for both qualifications.

Internal Dual Degrees on offer at EIU

  • Management and Law
  • Pharmacy and Management
  • Management and Foreign Languages
  • Law and Foreign Languages
  • Pharmacy and Law
  • Pharmacy and Foreign Languages

Minor Programs

  • A minor is a cohesive set of courses and/or research project worth 15 to 30 ECTS credits on the MA level and 30 to 60 credits on the BA level.
  • EIU offers range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary Minor programs both on BA and MA levels.
  • The Minor programs may either be Disciplinary or Interdisciplinary.
  • Interdisciplinary  Minors provide programs of study that focus on a specific theme by combining courses from different disciplines and several academic departments. Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.
  • Because some majors have a limited number of free electives, students who wish to pursue a minor will need to plan their course choices carefully in order to fit the minor within the 240 and 120 credit allotment on BA ad MA levels respectively. Courses taken beyond these limits may be subject to additional tuition charges (6000 AMD per additional credit).
  • In case of accurate planning the student may get up to two Minor degrees without any additional fee.
  • In case if you decide to choose the option of applying for a Minor, you will receive one Diploma in your Major and a Certificate in the Minor upon the graduation.

Why choose a minor?

You can either explore another subject with an interdisciplinary minor or you can choose to specialize and study a topic in greater depth (disciplinary).

  • To expand your breadth of knowledge by choosing an interdisciplinary minor or a minor in a different field.
  • To increase your depth of knowledge by choosing a specialized minor in your field.
  • For BA students it will help to prepare for the process of choosing a Master’s programme.
  • To create a unique learning path and differentiate yourself later in the labour market.

Check the department web page for a detailed information and a list of Minors on offer.